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- Get to know your guidance counselor. We are here to answer any questions you might have about high school and to help you reach your goals. Stop by to say hello.
- Time management is crucial in high school. You’ll have more homework and more activities to balance- get organized and find a system that works for you!
- Get familiar with the college prep curriculum if you plan to attend a four-year program in the Montana University System. Outline your plan.
- Find out about college prep courses. See which Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment or University Connection courses are offered at your school. If they aren’t offered at your school, talk to your counselor about your options.
- Research potential careers you might want to pursue, and post-secondary institutions where you can gain the required skills.
- Get involved in extra-curricular activities either in school or out in the community.
- Take advantage of opportunities to volunteer!
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